[H] [Barthilas] <Bizarro> 3/9M 9/9H BoD RECRUITING TANK + CASTER DPS FOR M BoD

Bump, looking to fill a few more spots.

Im looking for a serious guild going into 8.1. I’m a 387 frost mage, i think that I will be a very valuable member for this guild. add me on battlenet Budz4Breaky#1530

Just a few spots left to full before BFDA.

Bump, tanks where are you?

Looking for warrior/monk tank; shaman/priest/paladin healer; warlock, but all exceptional applicants will be considered

Bump - looking for more raiders for BfD

Bump - still looking for all to fill out roster

Still looking for tanks and healers to bolster our ranks

and DPS too

Bump - would like an exceptional mage!

6H with only 2 nights in heroic after a warrior and some tanks

Still looking for warrior and mage

after a good and experienced mythic raid tank and a mage

Looking for good tanks and ranged for mythic!! cmon join us!

would be happy to accept a small group of friends or a couple dps, tank and a heals to help reinforce the numbers with holiday period coming up