[H] Barthilas 439 BRM Monk Looking for Guild

Hi All,

I am a 439 BRM monk just coming back from a break from the game so i am currently 8/8H, Previously also mained a prot pally this expansion before i took a break.
Looking for a guild that is pushing mythic can play WW OS on the occasional fight if required but would much rather tank.
I am in new zealand so earlier starts would be better looking for 7-7.30 st start and finishing about 10.30 ST but could make an exception for the right guild.
Would be looking for a chill guild but also a guild that can be pushing through content with purpose happy to join as a casual until i can be at the level you need, if you think i might be a good fit flick me a message or add my BNET: Azhi#11227


I have added you on Bnet, check out our post and will chat in game

Hey man, [H] Snakes on a Plainstrider -Khaz/Dath are currently 4/8 M EP and looking for x1 Tank to boost our roster. We’re quite a casual guild but still with the aim to clear content. In saying this we raid a 2 day a week scheduled Wednesday and Monday 8:30pm SVT to 11pm SVT with an optional alt/friends raid on Friday nights.

If this sound like something you would be interested in please hit me up.

BTag: Antagqt#1628

Hey Azi,
I’ve added you on bnet for a chat to see if we’re a fit for you.

Added you on BNET Reverend keen for a chat when ever :slight_smile: