[H] <Bane> AOTC/M+ Fri/Sat 7-10pm est LFM S2

bump wick 3

I’m looking to go Mage, this season, I added you on discord.

Night of the living bump

I support this message

we are dinoco and friends, join us

lfm more dps join ussssss

wonder twin powers activate!

One of us, one of us ~

this bump is in honor of AOTC this week. LFM

Bump it up!

Bump it up!

bumpeth to the topeth

Happy birthday!

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Hi! Very interested! Iv only done normal 9/9 normal with guild and did a 9/9 heroic but it was a pug and honestly i got carried healing it, took a break since Cata, guild I am in is great but we pug half the team, lucky is 1-2 people are on during the day and raiding during the week does not work great for me. Would you be interested in a shadow priest? Ilvl is 472 atm,. Know its long gone but cleared all raids from vanilla to cata (Im an old fossil as well). Looking for a guild that is socially active and yours seems like it could be a great fit for me.

Bump it up

Lf weekend raiding guild for my pally or dh both 480 and aotc as well as both over 2200
bnet #mrigloo1030

Bump it up!

Autobumps roll out !

Look mom, I’m bumpin threads! :muscle:

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are you bumping yet son