[H] Atiesh - Looking for guild

About me : Hi there! Been playing since vanilla launch, have raided every tier, cleared mythic almost every tier. I’ll be playing dps, most likely rogue, hunter or mage.

About the guild I’m looking for: Looking for a guild that will be leveling quickly and moving into MC/Onyxia weekly. And while that’s important, it’s second to playing with good people who enjoy the game for what it is, a game, not a job. Looking for like-minded good people. Feel free to add me on battlenet:
Thanks! Look forward to hearing from you!

Hey how’s it going?
If you are interested in a PvP US West server, you would fit in with us:
You can also message me directly on discord at OLlamaBL#0003

Thank you, but I have no desire to be on a PVP server :slight_smile: