[H] <Astral> 9/9M, 1/2M - LF Shadow Priest, Ele Sham, Hunter, Moonkin & Disc Priest. Paid Xfer!

Please read this post

Yeah one day we get to fly once more!

Give me that achieve for the fly

Sweeping some 10s tonight

Time to get the tank on

Give me warrior

Give me class listed or give me death

Don’t Fly to close to the sun or you might get burnt.

Sanguini week, time to run with DK tanks.

Oh boi I have a dk

Hope Bob Salami doesn’t cast inevitable end again, ez clap

Alacrity raiders come to us we have raid spots for you

Come one come all

Give me warriors

Sad that Conclave doesn’t drop one of the mythic only pets per clear at a minimum

I wish I got a piece gear to drop for me

Also, when is the sneaky island expedition vendor coming back, so much more fun to not kill things

Turalyon is the best.

It sure is

I may have overdone looking up people’s posts and helping them be on teh front page.