Raid times are 8-11 PST (11-2 EST) on Fri/Sat evenings.
Currently 10/10 N and 4/10 H Sanctum of Domination, but we only do light progression in Mythic post-AotC to keep things interesting. Other post-AotC activities include achievement runs for current and previous tiers and M+ groups and pushing for KSM.
- Adult oriented guild that is understanding that other things take priority; very understanding if things come up that require you to miss a raid from time to time or wanting a break. We also take raid breaks before new patches and for all major holidays to prevent long-term burnout.
- During the week outside of raid, the majority of us run daily and weekly content to stay up to date. Additionally, the majority of us run at least one M+ a week for our cache and most of our members are pushing for or already have achieved KSM.
- Cauldrons and feasts are provided. Most consumables beyond that are optional (unless requested for close kills) with the exception of enchantments which can be provided by the guild. Min maxing is not required, if you are playing a sub optimal covenant because you like the mount or the gear set better, great.
- Outside of WoW, we play other games, as well. I’m particularly keen on Civ 6, League of Legends (Camille main) and have recently played As Far As The Eye on Steam. I highly recommend if you’re looking for something on Steam to try out Spiritfarer. Other guildies are into Path of Exile and are dabbling in Outriders to name a couple.
Highest priority need for recruitment right now is DH DPS (bonus points for M+ tank spec), DK DPS with a tank offspec for M+, warlock DPS, boomkin. Will also consider a shadow priest or windwalker monk with tank offspec for M+. I only recruit for positions that I intend to fill and keep filled for a long period of time; no one gets benched and there’s not a rotating roster of raiders. Players who can play the above but also be flexible and change classes or specs for different types of content (raid, M+, PvP) are highly encouraged to apply. Currently our raid has no room for a tank or a healer.
If you intend to apply, I do not care about your logs. We want quality humans over quality DPS - meters can be improved, attitudes can not. If you are wanting to get into Heroic raiding, we are very patient and helpful and willing to help you take that next step. We have several raiders who raid with us who have gone onto Mythic guilds or continue to raid with us in a stress-free capacity away from their Mythic guild, so we have ample resources to teach and help one another.
Add me on BattleNet (limbrok#1655) to inquire about trialing. You can leave a message even when I’m offline and I promise to reply within 24 hours. Let me know what you intend to play in our raid and also send me your favorite song right now or share your favorite WoW raiding memory.
I believe we are still on the lookout for more, but I can say before joining this guild I was debating putting down WoW and not playing anymore. This is a good group of people that are a joy to play with.
Just sent you a bnet friend request. I’m a returning player and the environment you described is what I’m looking for.
I ended up leaving these guys a while back, probably the most clique-ish guild i’ve ever been in, going back 14 years to vanilla. Not the guild if you’re looking for a inclusive experience where you do stuff with guildies. You’ll be in a guild, but pugging EVERYTHING but raid.
Posting from a level 10 toon. No one has left my guild except to go to Mythic raiding guilds and no one has ever spoken ill of us when they left. Pretty petty honestly and speaks more of your character than ours.
Also, not sure how you claim it’s incredibly clique-ish. We’re currently doing M+ sign ups which are open to all, including friends outside of the guild. I assign those groups randomly. Some people have their own groups for M+ groups beyond that because we all push keys at different levels and have different goals in that respect. What likely happened in your case is you refused to engage with members or build relationships, hoping that it would just fall into your lap.
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Who are you? Since I know this is def very incorrect, Are you sure you have the right Assault?
Gonna assume this is Gati? The only person ever kicked.
I totally disagree with you! This is a great guild full of very nice people that are very open to doing things with their guildies and even off server peeps like myself. When I started doing things with this guild, only a couple of people in Assault knew me but they opened their arms and did dungeons with me even though they didn’t know me from the player next door. Everyone here has been super nice and I’d recommend this guild above any other!
Edited to say I’d love them even more if they’d all move to EST 
Hi Jogging! This is definitely not the environment we strive to foster in our guild. We try and welcome every player with open arms and do our very best to be inclusive. Unfortunately sometimes personalities don’t mesh, and not everyone has the same goals as the rest of the guild so that may be why it didn’t work out for you. We regularly survey our guild members and players to ensure that our goals in the guild are in line with the majority and that our players are happy and satisfied with their experience with us, feedback is taken seriously and changes are implemented when there is any, which is rarely. I’m sorry things didn’t work out for you, but I’m sure there’s another guild out there for you
Well, I have no idea what this “Jogging” person’s on about, but they couldn’t be more wrong.
I’ve been one of Assault’s main tanks for ages now, and have done so cross-realm at that. There’s never been any pressure to transfer. Despite my many blunders during raid, lousy jokes that don’t land, and occasionally leaving my mic open while I eat, they still have me back every week.
They’ll ask all the time if anyone has friends or family who want to come along for raid, dungeons, achievement runs, or whatever happens to be going on… specifically so that pugging doesn’t have to happen.
Heck, some members even show up to my ED guild’s casual raid night to help out when we’re in a pinch. That’s the kind of supportive, welcoming, and friendly environment they encourage and can be expected of them. Frankly, if someone has a problem that requires leaving this guild, then the problem lies with that person.
I can pretty much mimic what everyone else here is saying.
I’m relatively new to the guild compared to a lot of people, only joining at the start of Shadowlands, but I have never felt excluded at any point. I’ve switched mains during heroic progression, leveled every class to 60 and brought almost all of them to raids/dungeon at some point, done dozens of M+ with probably EVERYONE in the guild, and done too much Torghast for most normal people with various people from the guild.
I get invited to do things regularly and frequently go out of my way to make sure my groups are all guildies (and extended guildies from other servers) so I don’t have to pug too much. You can ask anyone, I bug them all hours of the day and night to do pretty much anything with me.
I’m not sure when you were in the guild, but I can only assume it was before my time with them, but I haven’t experienced any of these issues being here.
I just sent you a bnet request. I’m bringing with me a Hunter friend and we are super interested in your guild!
Updated recruitment needs - I have yet to assess the roster going into Sanctum of Domination, so if we’re on your radar for recruitment, hold tight for a bit while I make sure we have room for you. Still feel free to message in the meantime!
Definitely a great guild to try. Came here not knowing anyone else in the guild to just get some heroic raiding and some M+ in. 
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Recruitment needs updated! Really in search of clothy DPS (particularly mages or a warlock) and a DK DPS with a tank offspec for M+!
One or two shot the first five bosses on Normal last night, then we got to Painsmith… Unfortunately no raid tonight, so we will have to get vengeance on him next weekend. Come join us next weekend for the kill!
Still looking for more! Is a good time for all!
Normal is cleared and the first boss on Heroic killed! Amazing progress tonight with Kelthuzad, Sylvanas and Heroic Terragrue killed. Come check us out 
I just sent you a bnet friend request. Would like to talk to you about possibly trialing. The environment you describe is exactly what I am looking for.
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Recruitment needs updated! Strong need for a DH DPS among other classes. Come join us for Heroic progression! Should kill some new bosses this weekend 
Sent friend Request BigT#1290