[H] [Area52] <Uh Oh Hotdog> Recruiting DPS for Undermine Mythic prog Team

Make me crazy about you

few more ranged and heals and we are good to go!

Pourquoi tu pars, reste ici

J’ai tant besoin d’une amie

HÊlène, things you do

lets get it!

Make me crazy about you

Pourquoi tu pars si loin de moi

mass healers/dps

J’ai tant besoin d’une amie

HÊlène, things you do

Make me crazy about you

I have one question for you folks.

There’s a mid raid coffee refill break right? I like my french press and that stuff ain’t speedy. Lol.

Pourquoi tu pars si loin de moi

Navett… if you are reading this. I cheated on you, im sorry. You just never are in the mood after work anymore. You are spiraling and im not gonna let you take me with you. Ive tried to make this work but you are just too far gone. Its over navett.

Dont forget to sub to my onlyfans <3

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i cant stay mad at you xoxo

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Là où le vent te porte loin de mon cœur qui bat

HÊlène, things you do

where the heals at

Pourquoi tu pars, reste ici