[H] [Area52] <Uh Oh Hotdog> Recruiting DPS for Undermine Mythic prog Team

Uh Oh Hotdog

About Us

We are an early morning raid group full of several raiders that have been together for a many, many years now - through multiple expansions. While raiding, we have focused primarily on Mythic Raids with C/E in mind and push to get as far as possible with each raid tier. We want to continue to build our raid team with like minded individuals who want to push as far as possible while having a bit of fun. Currently we are progressing through heroic and will quickly transition to mythic.

As a morning raid team, we raid at a very unique time - (8am-11am EST SAT & SUN). We do NOT welcome toxicity and try to keep a friendly, fun environment for all!

Morning Raids!! Saturday & Sunday - 8am - 11am EST!!

We do not raid past our specified hours.

Current Progress - Undermine

8/8N - 5/8H


Currently looking for 2-3 DPS. Looking to build up our roster.

Dps - Need either melee, or ranged DPS - All exceptional dps welcome to apply

We ask that all raiders be available during the full raid times, be on time, have excellent attendance and come fully prepared so we can create a good flow and push bosses with ease. If these time frames (8:00 AM - 11:00am Sat and Sun) are good for you, and would like to trial with us - please fill out an application in the link below.

Please Wait at least 24hrs to be contacted by an officer after applying here

Apply Here!

Please fill out an application on the website below if interested in joining!!

h ttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCSgaLKqcJd0bAYqvGhf-xvRQLLS5K4w2LW70So7f7USXUtw/viewform

(remove space between h and ttps:)

1 Like

Bump! Take down the jailer with us!

We need to stop the Jailer !

Bon matin!

Bonne Nuit!

still looking for more

df coming soon, get up early and raid in the am, then have the day to do w/e!

Good morning Vietnam.

Apologies to all, our new application form was missing contact info. If you filled out an app between 08/22 & 08/27 - please take a moment to fill out again if still interested. We had no way to contact you! sorry!

Have a lovely Sunday everybody

new week new raid

Hey oh hey oh.

lost in the sauce

im here for the bump

anyone wants to play?

its that time of the day again

bump it up. still recruiting, DF is coming soon!

rip my queen

still looking for players for DF

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