(H) 10/10M <Pillars> Area52 LF HEALS AND DPS

warrior pwease

Another bump for the boys.

Degenerate hours bump :smiley:

Bumping for the real onezz

tralalalal lala ladie da

Evening bump my dudes :smiley:

quick pump for da boyz

afternoon bump for the boys :smiley:

oof late bump

2nd Team app sent… hope to hear from you soon! :slight_smile:

App sent in for Core. :slight_smile:

Afternoon bump

take a look at that bumptruck

bampity bampity bump

wtb replacement for the only fire mage left

Good people, took a retired raider and gave me a chance to come in and kill some mythic bosses.

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bump for da boiz :love_letter:

Please give me warrior :frowning:

just woke up am here to bump Pog

Hi there! My guild recently broke up after getting to p3 on slg so I ended up breaking until the new patch, looking to get into another great community to push CE, are you guys recruiting still?