[H] Area 52 - Sun/Mon 9pm-12am CST LFM 9/9h 5/9m

Sry, not currently looking for a hunter :confused:

sending it up before we start raidin!

What specs are you looking for? I have ret paladin/arms warrior with tank offspecs

Currently we are lookin for a healer with a potential dps off-spec

8/9H after week 1. Need 1 more RDPS!

all the way up

still open to round out the last little bit of our mythic team

Bumping! Some people don’t think it be like it is but it do.

all the way up

Im interested, your guild sounds exactly what im looking for. Raid days and times are perfect too.

Devoker ilvl 432, 9/9 normal, 7/9 Heroic.

Do you have a btag we can add you at? :smiley:

Sending it up

All the way up again

no im sending it to the top.

and ill send it up again

all the way up again

sending it up one more time

Back to the top

all the way up again

plz feel free to add one of the btags posted and lets chat

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