Need a rogue and a mage!!
Resto sham!
Looking for solid DPS for H Raz and starting mythic!
bumping thread
Been in guild since start of Dragonflight 10/10 would recommend
Bringing this back to the top
Need DPS!
Bumping Thread
I am looking to get back into raiding after taking a few expansions off. I have 2 characters, a 394 warlock (Hudsun-Tichondrius - Destro/Demo) and a 394 Hunter (Tyronnon-Tichondrius MM/BM). I saw Hunter isn’t needed, however I would like to bring both in the guild. I will reach out on Discord, my username is “Testynut”, BTag Testynut#1620
evening! I’m looking for an AOTC guild raiding T/W. currently 2/8 HC, 2084 io, 402 il Havoc. Would love to talk; added ya on discord
Need some solid healers and DPS to add to the team to start our mythic push!
B E A Utiful
Looking for more healers
Bumping this up
Still looking!
LF more healers still
Bump bump it up
Where are all the healers?! Need solid DPS as well!
Still looking for healers!
Bumping this topic up, still recruiting