Delete plz

delete plz

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Bump for a good time!

Bumpity bump.

Looking for some more!

384 MW 4/8M i added one of you guys

Raylina- tried messaging you… shoot me a tell if you are still looking.

Bump. Road to CE

Zul about to go down! Next raid Monday, hit us up!

6/8M exp mw, i added one of you guys.

A Mistweaver and some dps would be nice!

Hey guys I’m not the specs you called for but I’d like to try.

Link below is my post.
If I’m considered let me know and I will add one of your Btags when I get home.

I can make the times you posted.

Thank you.

Add me, would love to chat…

Bumping to get more new recruits.

Looking to a few more peeps!

Looking to bolster the guild for BfD!!

Looking for a few more dps and a priest healer ready to rock the new raid!

We still need dps!

Looking for a dps warrior and some more range!

Bump, still looking for more dps!

Looking for more deeps!