[H] Area 52 232 Warlock LF late night raiding guild

Long time WoW player since launch. Looking for AOTC + some Mythic late night LGBT+ raiding guild.

Ideal raid times around 8pm-1am PST, Sundays through Fridays, also available some Saturdays.

Hi! Are you still lfg and able to raid Tues/Thurs 11PM-2AM PST? I know it might be too late for you. We’re 10/10N 8/10H 1/10M SoD and were 6/10M CN.

Hey Noobpolisher (nice name btw lol), I’m not sure how open you’d be to faction changing to alliance, but Grimfrost on Emerald Dream (Alliance US) is looking for another warlock to add to our main raid team. We’re currently 7/10H SoD with the goal of getting CE in every tier moving forward. If you’re interested, we raid Weds/Thurs 8:30-11:30 EST.

I’ll post a link to our recruitment post for more information. Hope to hear from you soon!

Thanks for the reply, your raid time is too early for me.

Hey we raid 12-3am Cst Tues-Thurs currently 9/10H we also do a lot of keys in the off time. Current plans are focusing on aotc then shifting to mythic once we build a steady 20man comp. Don’t specifically plan on going for CE just playing for fun and seeing how far we could get. Add me for more information iperrymarkz#1141

We are alliance tho