[H - Area 52] [2 Day] [6/8M VOTI] [CE Guild] <Really Bad Players> LF DPS

searching for them thicc bois/grills for sanctum

come come, join us

which came first, the top or the bottom?

come gamble all your gold away during raid

Bump, bump, bump, bump.

bumpin for the trumpkin

I one for like this guild

I tolerate this guild as its GM

bumping things and stuff for the guild

I want the gaba, the gabagool

the spicy gabagooba

are in the need of holy paladin

Anyone got some soy sauce?

nah, no soy sauce here

Sounds like a mage slot is opening up then

last minute CE?? lets get them apps for 9.1 boys

First bump of they day

would love a hpal and some ranged

what is cowboy was in the beep boop instead of the boop beep being in the cowboy?

Patch day let’s goooo!