⭐ [H] - Barthilas - All Guns Blazing GMT+8 - 3/8M LFM

[H]-Barthilas – “All Guns Blazing”

All Guns Blazing is a GMT+8 Horde Guild based on US-Barthilas seeking to reach out for some new blood after the uptake of Classic, as well as some retirements from players. We are looking for Raiders, but are also looking to generally increase the Guild player base across all interest’s that are on offer, Levelling, PvP, Raids, Team play, Soloers that want to dip into some green text now and then, we cater to a varied player base. That being said we field a Mythic Team that runs 2 nights a week on +8 GMT that is 3/8, and we are open to applications for those looking to push content with us, we need numbers to kill more Dragons. You could be a returning player looking to get back into a Team, or someone that is seeking to join a solid and supportive environment to play in. We can assist in gearing based on Applicants. And feel that attitude and willingness to accept ownership of your outcomes is key to success. The Raid Team operates RC Loot Council on Items that are not required (passed to Loot Council) meaning an equitable distribution of gear to help push kills.

We are a long-term Guild that operates on a “No Drama Clause” which is adhered to via an open-door policy with Officer’s and the GM. All issues are taken care of in a way that cause minimal impact. No drama is tolerated in general channels, but there is always a way to sort through issues that keeps everyone happy. There is a time and a place for having fun, and there is a time and a place for issues, knowing when this is key to making sure AGB is a place that remains on track. We conduct ourselves to a certain standard in General channels and make sure that the reputation of the Guild is kept clean, those that abuse players in Guild or out, troll in Trade chat, or in general fail in doing so will not be on Roster very long.

If you have read one of these before you know it is usually all very similar, but for us this is a place we can call an online retreat from drama and trolling, and we do not abide by people playing in a way that makes it difficult for others. We are not elitist’s; we just believe it takes less effort and is more productive to help someone who may be having in game issues as it does to abuse them and achieve no real result.

So, what do we offer?

  • Structured Officer and GM roles that oversee Guild operations day to day.
  • Easy-going Guild and active Discord, post if you want to, lurk, Meme it up in the right channels, throw shade in a lighthearted way, it’s sociable most days
  • 2 Nights a Week Mythic Raids Wednesday 9:30pm SVT and Sunday 10pm SVT – all consumables supplied, Custom WA’s, RC Loot Council, when we run it is eyes on the prize killing Dragons, but also making sure everyone is having a good time doing it.
  • Open Door – got an issue raise it with an Officer or GM, get it sorted, don’t sit on it and let it affect your game time.
  • Mature when it suits, Meme’s when it suits. If it is SFW and non-impacting post up whatever your thinking, doing, reading, watching, building, racing. We all have a variety of interests and if yours is something your passionate about outside of WoW, then show the Guild.
  • If your just over feeling like a number on a page, or a small fish in a huge pond that is this game and the Oceanic scene in general then we are a fit for you, smaller and more dedicated Teams doing things, everyone wanting to win, helping each other out and banter in the down time is what we are about.

If we seem like we might be a fit for you, or your chasing any other information then contact one of the people listed below in game for a chat or a Discord invite to come discuss it with us.

Thank you for taking the time to read, have a great day.

In Game Contacts -

GM - Sharký - Btag - Sharky#2786
Recruitment - Kitarn#1518

All discussions will be kept private, and any questions can be asked with no commitment to come across, we realize this may involve a Realm or Faction change for some people and its important to get a feel for things first before making any changes of that nature.


Bump for some dps!

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Lunchtime Bump

Can run clears of Heroic to help returning players catch up, reach out for a chat.

In Game Contacts -

GM - Sharký - Btag - Sharky#2786
Recruitment - Kitarn#1518

Bump for some dps:)

Lunchtime Bump

In Game Contacts

GM - Sharký - Btag - Sharky#2786
Recruitment - Btag - Kitarn#1518

Still recruiting dps… unless you are a Richmond supporter. Poor GWS… shame.

GM - Sharký - Btag - Sharky#2786
RL/Officer - Urashh - Btag - urashh#1822

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Evening bump, just watched new Spider-Man, 10/10. We have cake

Bump for more cool people!

Brekky Bump, to the TOP!!

In Game Contacts

GM - Sharký - Btag - Sharky#2786
Recruitment - Btag - Kitarn#1518

Bump for warlocks and any class really :stuck_out_tongue:


High Priority on Mythic ready Raiders that want to have a chat
Recruitment always open for Social players, very friendly social scene, looking to build on that. Contact us for a chat with any questions

In Game Contacts

GM - Sharký - Btag - Sharky#2786
Recruitment - Btag - Kitarn#1518

Bump for more plate classes for me to offload my gear to!

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Evening bumping, still on the lookout for Players, can assist with Gearing and Keys, good run with new Recruits last night saw some fun times and gear ups going on.
Hit us up for a chat.