[H] [Aegwynn] - DPS and Heals spots open CN 2/10M 10/10H

Hello! Sanctuary is recruiting and looking to add anyone and everyone who’s looking for a fun environment to progress through Shadowlands in.

We’re a group of friends (mostly online) that’s been together for years and have slowly been building up our community. We joke around and spend a lot of time with each other on disc, and also have a serious raid group that goes Friday and Saturday night CST (more info below on the raid group).

Generally, we’ll take anyone who’s looking for a fun guild to hang out and progress with, or just want some friends who are serious about WoW. We run everything from PvP to M+ to Raid, and have some of the top players in our server cluster.

Raid team info:

Raid Times/Days: Three Teams Wes/Thurs 9pm - 1am CST, Friday/Saturday 10:00pm - 01:00am CST, Sunday 9pm - 2am CST
Current Progression: 10/10 Heroic 2/10 Mythic Castle Nathria
Application: DM in disc or bnet! All are welcome, we just want to make sure whether or not there’s a spot in the main group
Requirements: Be willing to learn and dedicate yourself to growing with the group. We’re a chill fun group and have built a group that helps each other grow
Needs: Looking for healers and DPS - HPal/UDK/RSham get guaranteed spots

If you want to join feel free to shoot me a DM on disc or bnet.

Joogold#2363 (Discord), Joogold#11225 (BNET)