Always seeking solid members.

Indeed! Looking to enjoy Blackwing Lair?? We have spots for you! Respond here or pop in our Discord if you have any questions.

How do you play?

Bwl 8/8 cleared in 2.2 hrs.

2 different raid groups clearing 8/8 BWL

Seeking (1) quality shaman and (1) quality warlock. Immediate spots available. Thanks!

As Chad mentioned above, still looking for a few quality people. Come join and have some fun and get your loootzzz.

Bump. Haroo!

Monday = Need’s All (especially healers)

Tues / Wed groups need (1) Shaman Resto and (1) Warlock

Open – to the top

3rd and final bump before someone else needs to do it…

What, sir, is a bump? :slight_smile:

Great guild, most organized I’ve ever been in, also super friendly and going strong
with 2 groups clearing BwL in one night and MC/ony the other night.

Yes best guild lots of fun

Still some room for more great people to join! :slight_smile: Come check out the fun and all the lootssss

What they all said ^

Organized and competitive. Great group to join up with!

hakuna matata - what a wonderful phrase…

Looking for (1) Warlock and (1) Fury Warrior for Tues / Thurs.


See Chad’s reply above for current needs! Great raids with great people!