[H] A52 AOTC Guild 8/8N, 1/8H Nerub LF Heals & Lock

Still a few dps spots for range!

Come one, come all!! (if you’re range that is)

Still looking for more ranged!

need range! mages, boomies, shadows, maybe a lock

Range slots available

Ranged would be so money right now!

They’d be so money!, and they don’t even know it!

Range DPS availabilities

You guessed it!

Still could use 1 or 2 range dps! Mage, Boomkin! will consider others!

WTB Ranged! Come raid with us! :smiley:

Come dance with us?

If you’re ranged, we are looking for you :smiley:

Range DPS check!

Still Range

1 night farms, range wanted

Farm night is tomorrow! Could pick up 1 strong range

3/8 M working on Ashvane! Need a few DPS to join the fun!

still looking to cherry pick 1 or 2 great dps to help kill M-Ashvane!

Looking for some ranged for our mythic push!