Sorry about bumping into you, didn’t see you there!
Bumpity Bump
Bump! still looking for DPS
Bumpity Bump
Bump now looking for healers as well
Still looking for healers and dps for next season
Looking to bolster roster heading into season 4!
Looking for dedicated raiders going into new expac
Hi There
NZ mythic raider here, your raid times and days are very appealing.
A little about me, I achieved 6/9m last tier before the guild broke up, playing hunter for the first time in my wow career.
Also played a fair bit of M+ achieving 3235 io before calling it quits, this was probably mid tier.
I can play the following classes and am quite keen on TWW, Mage, Warlock, Hunter, Spriest.
Could probably play many others but would need to level something which I am open to.
Can provide some cata logs as that what ive been filling my time in with.
Please hit me up on discord - Panapa or Bnet Theft#11193