[H] 7/8M <Vox Nihil> LF Ranged Dps

The King of the Gnomes is the next to die. G.M.O.D. incoming!

it seems that they don’t know who I am

Where are all the priests?

we back

Need some ranged dps!

once again this needs to go up and once again I forgot for a month

BAMP /tenchar

We can only go up from here.

Come join and see what screaming M+ is all about!

oh wow i want that

Bump! Still looking for Shadow/Elemental/Balance ranged DPS!

Priests, wherefore art thou priests?!

hold me we did it

bumper for our pumpers duuds

Ethan has stank breathe

all the way back to the top

can i post again

oh boi 5 days late

How can you turds post twice in a row? Rip me

Yeeted to the top