[H]5/9M LF DPS <Breaking Game Balance> Need Rsham/Hpal

1 G’Huunie, 2 G’Huunie, 3 G’Huunie, 4

5 G’Huunie, 6 G’Huunie, 7 G’Huunies more

A Dothraki horde, in the open field Ned!

Is it sundress season yet?

Snow sucks, bring on the sunny days

Needs more cowbell?

I have perfected the Highmountain transmog.


Ranged Ranged Lets go kill Jaina

:bow_and_arrow: :gun: :mage: :angry::mage: :prayer_beads::woman_mage:


Forward Gaming performed pretty darn well last night in groups, hoping some NA teams can close out the group stage with some upper bracket presence.

Treacherous covenant dominating the sims. Darn near 50% better than other available pieces in some slots…

I don’t wanna be sick, I don’t wanna

New Jaina mount is pretty, can’t wait to ride.

Farming raid mats :ok_hand:

Still need some ringers & ballers.

Battlefury overrated this meta it seems, better to get a yasha + extension or something similar to match the offlane aura item timings & pressure.

Sumail on Prophet looks like hot garbage.

You would think EG would be trying to get Sumail on mids like Puck or SF to get control of the mid game, idk what they are doing this major.