[H]5/9M LF DPS <Breaking Game Balance> Need Rsham/Hpal

:christmas_tree: :santa: :christmas_tree:

6/8M resto druid (with mythrax expericence), LF guild if you guys are still trialing healers
Kelpdruid-Illidan is the name






Make the dream happen :slightly_smiling_face:


Whoever put me on the midnight mass service is a grinch :angry:

Really short midnight mas, usually they go two hours.

Merry Xmas ya filthy animals!

I hope Saint Nic brought everyone a wonderful present in the weekly cache!

Which is better, A Nightmare Before Christmas or Elf? :face_with_monocle:

Every year I am shocked by how dark โ€˜Itโ€™s a Wonderful Lifeโ€™ is. I always just remember the last 5 minutes singing โ€˜Auld Lang Syneโ€™ and forget how much a bastard Stewart plays.

Xmas progression

Bah, so close to Mythrax kill. Weโ€™ll get in there tonight & slay that old god paragon and onto Gโ€™Huun!

Shopping with the girls, fun times :shopping_cart:
:dress: . :crown: . :high_heel:

4k ap shy of the next level before raid :angry:

Really hard to progress with inconsistent pool of players, dang you holidays!

Give me progression, or give me loot!