[H] 6/10M Affliction lock 6/10M LF M Guild

Searching for M raiding guild at least 6/10M on Bleeding Hollow or Illidan. willing to transfer for right guild.
DIsc: Bum#8060

Quitting in a Month (7/10M) - 2 Day (+1 Flex)

  • Tuesday/Wednesday (flex day being Sunday) nights 7-10 CST

Current Recruitment Needs:
Tank- Exceptional Applicants
Melee- DeathKnight, Windwalker, Rogue
Range- Mage, Elemental Shaman, Warlock
Healer- Holy Paladin

Any strong applicants will also be considered, do not hesitate to apply if your Spec/Class is not listed!

We’re pushing for Cutting Edge and we a interested in a player like yourself.

We’re made up of exceptional CE players from multiple tiers/expansions with many years of Progressions Raiding. We are looking to play a few times a week to clear the tier in a quick and efficient manner, while having a fun in the process. We expect effort, commitment, and friendly, same-minded attitudes from all our raiders.We constantly strive to achieve the highest rankings with the minimal time we have on our raid schedule. This keeps us competitive and maintains a healthy amount of time for real life activities.


  • Zeek#1714, Iliketurtles#1146


  • @zeek#0713 or 0g_iliketurtlezz#7579

Added one of the disc players

Hi there, we’re Adaptive on Area52. We’re currently in the looks for a couple more solid dps to add to our roster to finish off the tier and continue raiding for the rest of shadowlands.

If we interest you at all please feel free to add me on discord or btag. Would love to chat.

Disc: Dj#5612
Btag: Mke#11978