[H] 6/10m, 9/10 prog exp Elesham LF CE guild

As the title says, I’m looking for a new home. Currently on ZJ, but willing to server transfer on my own dime if the fit is good. Not looking for an AOTC guild, or a guild that isn’t intending to push for CE.

Can provide logs on request. Progged on 9/10 of the bosses with various guilds that all ended up backing down from the CE push due to burn out, have 6/10 completed.

LF later on T/W (10PM) or the same time for weekends F/S/Sun. Also would prefer a guild that pushes M+ throughout the week (affixes depending).

I cannot raid on Thursdays due to work.

Hey - we need an Ele Sham and are pushing CE hard next tier. Finished this tier 6/10M and stopped early because of some roster issues. Back with a vengeance this tier.

Bumping in hopes for more replies

Hey message me on discord Pinkbubbles2#3753 ! From TC-Illidan 10/10M CE, and 12/12M CE in Nyalotha. Looking for a few more dps to finish our roster!

decent of illidan (horde) is looking for more strong players. Ideally someone who can dps and swing resto if needed. Raids tues/wed 8:15pm EST-11:15pm EST. We went 8/10m CN with a less than competitive mindset, and are ramping up for 9.1 to get our CE quickly. We run a competitive roster and want to bring in some pumpers.

Still looking, please also look at the days and times listed :slight_smile: