[H] [6/8M EP] <Really Bad Players> 2-Day LF Core DPS

Crypts, why do you hate yourself?

Dont know maybe because I’m an anti-social gay kid full of anxiety and I never lived up to what my fathers expectations were so I constantly blame myself for being away from home and our last convo when he passed away :shrug: or it could be my diagnosed MDD, I stopped going to therapy, and taking meds so tbh Ill never really know the answer

Anyway this is about raiding and not my MDD or self loathing so umm come raid with us

Join our merry bunch of morally shallow and whimsically inept raiders as we kill Elsa. Ironically, not overly interested in fire mages.

Sitting in the ER, contemplating my life choices, but I keep hearing the gentleman I’m the next room scream about how “my Johnson is on fire!! She knows what she did”

Hmm that’s interesting :thinking::thinking:

I tell everyone that I’m not going to bump this anymore. But no one bumps this :worried:

You’re the new Klaide.

Im just salty af when Im sleepy

How does Jaina end up getting on our boat anyways? And why are Alliance boats firing cannons at her?

Because they hate her as much as we do because shes crazy after Warlord uglyorc dropped a bomb on her butt

The RP at the start of the encounter explains it, Strid. She rides her hoverboard on to the boat.

20 hours without a bump :worried:

We blame you.

How can it be my fault when I have 53 posts Feelsbadman

Well, if you’re the one taking responsibility…

Am I xd :grin::grin::grin::grin:

Guys the news says we beat ISIS(again)

Farming islands in 2019 xd

4/20 hehe xd