[H]5/9M LF DPS <Breaking Game Balance> Need Rsham/Hpal


Tick Tick Boom :bomb:

Courage! Do not falter!

End up where I thought we would. Every raid tier comes with bugs & updates that hinder progress. We end the raid at 5/9, will see if we can close out a couple more tomorrow on the alt run, come join!

Alt run best run, got some New Hollandā€™s Dragon Milk for it

Chicken tikka masala for dinner, leggo

I need new head phones. Any suggestions? XD

Anyone else bumpinā€™ to the spider verse sound track?

I have no idea what that is :woman_shrugging:

The music from the new spider man movie, used it as my 10k playlist today.

You know we got sights on that Frostie-boi mount


Frosty the Jaina Mount was a jolly elemental


Jaina mount => :snowman_with_snow::horse_racing:

I havenā€™t seen the new spider man movie.

Itā€™s really good if you enjoy the super hero stuff. A bit silly & some elements feel a bit forced & dropped the second they donā€™t catalyze the plot, but a really great flick.

New reaping affix was fun, caught us with our pants down a couple times :sweat_smile:

I really really donā€™t understand nerfing elementalā€™s echo trait. The thing performs so well because it happens regardless of movement, but nope, canā€™t have elemental performing I guess. You gotta have that niche of stand still & donā€™t move with heavy punishment for doing it & middle of the pack damage to show with no general raid utility.

Give me windrush baseline you absolute muppets if you insist we canā€™t be great damage when allowed to sit.

Time to redo them azerite spreadsheets yo, cause being lazy & not including that dungeon gear definitely wouldnā€™t be an issue down the line.