[H] 472/474 3/12M Ret lf 2-3 night a week CE guild

As the title says I’m 3/12M looking for a guild that does 2-3 nights a week between the times of 5pm est and 11pm est, I just returned to the game at the start of the new patch. I’ve always been a Cutting Edge raider and I am Looking to continue that push. outside of raid I enjoy pushing m+ and you can usually find me tanking on my pally or an alt.

The reason I’m currently looking for a new guild is that the one I’m currently in is 7/12M and has 29+ raiders on the roster and as a trial I have no opportunity to get put in and earn a raid spot so I would like to go somewhere that I will actually be given a chance to show that I am worth a spot.

prefer to stay Horde

Btag - StickyTreez#1145
Discord - Particle#1697

This guy pumps :slightly_smiling_face:

:grin: :grin: :grin: .

LFM Raiders who want to raid at a competitive level. We were 5/12M, lead by top 20 US player. Raid times Tues/Weds/Thurs 8-11 PM EST!!


bump still looking

< Diminishing Returns > on Dalaran is currently recruiting for a core raid position. We are a 13-year-old Alliance raiding guild, focused on end game content. We also push high keys and PVP.

Raid Times: Tuesday and Wednesday 8pm till 11pm est.

NYA 5/12 Mythic
EP 7/8 Mythic

Currently recruiting:

HEALER : H Paly or Disc Priest
DPS: Any


I can be reached at my btag – MsGrimReaper#1894 or discord – MsGrim#5553

I’m sorry you are in such a place. :frowning: I know you want to stay horde, but I personally think our guild is worth considering! Here’s our information, please add me if you are interested!