(H) 471 MW LF Mythic Guild

Hello friends!

Long time wow player (Since vanilla!) who has started the process of finding another guild.
I haven’t been seriously in one since the beginning of the expansion with my first raiding guild coming to the game for the beginning of BFA. When the guild fell apart during Mythic Uldir progression, I took a break from the game after so I don’t have any parses of my healing outside of H Uldir as a Hpriest.

While I enjoy PvE content, being able to find a stable guild to raid with has always been a challenge for me since post Wrath. (Which during wrath when I did find a semi stable guild I was able to accomplish realm first on Algalon :slight_smile: )

So because of this, PvP is where most of my accomplishments are for this game after wrath. I won’t bother going into too much detail on pvp experience as I do believe they are not comparable; but I still believe that being able to excel at pvp (Multi glad, 2800) shows the mechanicaly ability of a player which obviously is valuable for mythic raiding. :slight_smile:

I also am Self employed so I create my own hours so hours/days do not have an effect on what guild I choose as I can make anything work.

What I am looking for in a guild is - Early Mythic raiding progression. I currently clear Heroic weekly with my friends and their mythic guild; so H progressing guilds are unfortunately not of interest to me.

Preferably also being able to have the opportunity to form m+ key pushing groups as well.

And obviously, I am looking for a guild that is has a MW spot on their mythic roster. ^^

Thank you so much if you read this far! I won’t bother responding if your response is just a copy pasta of a recruitment as if I my post isn’t worth more than a ctrl + v, I probably would not be a match for your guild. :slight_smile:

My btag is Velca#1101

and my Discord tag is - Velca#0544

Hey there. My team is currently searching for a mist weaver for our team. We are currentoy 4/12 mythic and run tues/thurs from 730 to 1030 est time with alt h run same time fri. We are on Area 52 in a guild called toast.
Toast is a multi-team guild. With 9 teams running ny’alotha on different difficulty and times. Outside of raid people run mythic plus do pvp content achievement runs and more. With toast being as large as it is you won’t have to worrie about the guikds stability!
If you are interestsd I would ask for logs and a trial night. Even H logs are fine. Just some data to comb over would be nice.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in feel free to add my battle tag memoryfoam#11291

Bringing this up!

Hey there Velca, we do have a Mythic team and while I cannot promise you a spot on ever single fight currently, we definitely could use a MW in our raid. Mythic progression is heavily dependant on the classes you bring and we do switch people in and out depending on boss.
We also have a weekly heroic group going, do M+ runs, transmog runs and just hang out on discord.
We don’t do much pvp’ing as a guild, but that’s mainly because no one’s taken charge lol I think if you don’t mind kicking some people’s behind they’d definitely follow. :wink:
In any case, I will leave our recruitment post below for you to look through, if you think our guild might be a good fit, feel free to contact me or Tyro (or any available officers). We’d definitely love to hear from you.

bringing this up

hey there!! i added you Bnet to chat with you about possibly joining us! kabian#1913