Liberty and Allegiance - Proudmoore-US [A] 6/8M Recruiting!
We’re an established guild of chill adults who have been raiding together since HFC. We have two mythic teams pushing to get cutting edge, and one heroic team, and we’re always looking for great players to add to our roster.
K Team:
Raid Times: M/Tu/W 8-11pm PST
Progression: 6/8M 8/8H EP, 9/9M BoD
Current Needs: Ranged DPS esp. Mage/Warlock, Havoc DH, DPS DK
JC Team:
Raid Times: Sa/Su 7-11pm PST
Progression: 6/8M 8/8H EP, 9/9M BoD
Current Needs: Tank, Resto Shammy, Lock, Hunter, Rogue, Ret, Mage, and any exceptional player
M Team:
Raid Times: Tues/Weds 8-11pm PST
Progression: 3/8M 8/8H EP
Current Needs: Ele Shammy, Shadow Priest, Warlock, and Resto Druid
X Team (Heroic Team):
Raid Times: Tues/Weds 9-11pm PST
Progression: 5/8H 8/8N EP, 1/9M BoD
Current Needs: MW Monk, Any exceptional DPS
All three teams will consider any exceptional applicants
What we expect from you:
- You must come to raid prepared to kill the boss with enough knowledge of the fight that you should be able to raid lead it.
- You must have a working mic and be able to talk on discord.
- You must transfer to Proudmoore to be on the team (if on a different server and cross realm mythic is open, you are allowed to come for 1 lockout then transfer).
Apply at: www.libertyandallegiance .com
Contact us: (contact both for the team you’re applying to)
K Team
- whitesoulz#1772 (@Whitesoulz#8383 Discord)
- Khazad#6158 (@Gal#3537 Discord)
JC Team
- pr0jabr0ni#1699 (@Projabroni#6877 Discord)
- Gris#1272 (@Gris#9036 Discord)
M Team
- Balto#1148 (@Balto#4961 Discord)
- Chael#1951 (@Stilken#2374 Discord)
X Team
- Chael#1951 (@Stilken#2374 Discord)
- Icelus#1465 (@Kaladorn(Leofalon#8704) Discord)