- Raid time: 6pm - 1am EST
- Trying to find a new home
Resolute are recruiting.
Horde - Bleeding hollow
Tuesday and Thursday 8-10.30EST are mythic raids. We have an optional Wednesday heroic/alt run.
We are currently 5/8M EP.
We’re a fun, chill, long term core of raiders looking for another few to join us in 8.3 and beyond.
Please feel free to add me on bnet, Pumpkins#1961
I’m Omopa, from [A] on U.S. Proudmoore. We are a tight-knit guild looking for new players to join our ranks. We are a small but active guild. We run alt runs, guild 5 mans, transmog runs in addition to our main raid that raids 2 nights a week. We have a solid core group looking to expand with the addition of great players that want to progress and work towards a goal of killing mythic bosses. We sport a relaxed friendly environment, that becomes focused when we pull bosses. We find this balance to promote players to play their best, and actually enjoy the people they raid with. Please understand that we are looking for players that can make both of our nights consistently. If this sounds like a good fit for you, please contact us!
Raid days:
Tuesday / Thursday
Raid times:
8-11:00 Eastern (7-10:00) Central, 6-9:00 Mountain, & 5-8:00 Pacific)
Our current progression: 5/8M EP 6/8M Uldir Daza’alor: 9/9H 6/9M CoS: 2/2H
Our current needs are as follows:
Tank: Monk - Warrior - Paladin
Healers: Paladin - Shaman - Monk
Damage: Boomkin, Warlock, Rogue, Spriest, Hunter
Excellent players are always welcome to apply regardless of our current needs.
What you can expect from Depth:
Guild leadership that cares and works hard to make the raid the best we can.
An adult environment that wants to be there and is friendly.
A strong core group, some of which have spent time in hardcore guilds (U.S. top 50) and have a wealth of experience to draw from.
Dedicated players that want to always better themselves.
Guild feats and cauldron for core raiders.
What we expect from you:
Complete knowledge and mastery of your class.
Come prepared for raid: have plenty of the best consumables and knowledge of strats.
Consistent performance and attendance.
Positive attitude, and a willingness to go the extra mile when fights get hard.
Contact us at:
Heya, if you’re still interested add me on discord at NukFur#0990 or bnet at NukFur#1660
Hey there, we could use a core healer for reclears and next tier.
Please Taunt on US-Hyjal, 8/8 M AEP (US 156 WP), 9/9M BoD 6-hour / week team. We’ve already done full reclears, with our latest reclear being under 3 hours.
We’re honest with people about mistakes and performance, and expect our players to take criticism well. We’re looking for players who share our team mentality, and as long as you’re outgoing and interested in playing the game with us, you’ll be happy playing here.
Tuesday - Wednesday 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm PST
Fill out this very short form if you want to chat with us about playing here
https:// forms.gle/5Arvyfvd1vjxdcHW7 (delete the space after the slashes)
Hey Miswaves! I think your schedule might be what you’re looking for, but let me tell you a little about my guild and see if you’re interested
[H] Hard Pass - Illidan
We’re a newly formed late night raiding guild that’s looking to form a group of players that are willing to put the time and effort to exploring and beating content in a decent manner. Some of us have 3/8 M EP progression and one of us have 4/8 M EP but we’d like to advance even further.
As we might not be Top 100 each beginning of each expansion we are hoping to see as much content as we can. We’re looking for players that are willing to dedicate the time and effort into tackling content in 8.3 and many more adventures to come!
Raiding Schedule: :
Sun/Mon: 9 to 12 PM EST
Our goals and expectations :
Hard Pass is a guild that wants to excel at bringing our roster the opportunity to experience what the game has to offer and be able to do it with like minded individuals that give such effort to do just that.
-Our expectations are that you come here with a positive attitude and be able to dedicate the time at improving, participating and building yourself and your team with constructive goals to achieve greatness!
Class needs :
- Healer : Any (2)
- DPS : Warlock, Hunter, Warrior, SPriest. (Or any)
-We’ll always take any skilled players or anyone willing to be a part of our guild
If you’d like to inquire more information about our guild you can request a friend request to:
Sorry folks! We’re closed on tanks but we’re still accepting Healers and DPS. Please inquire about us, I promise you won’t be dissapointed
Topped off, H Illidan 7/8M currently 3rd add P3 queen prog, looking for strong dps for 8.3 and beyond.
Former top 10 US leadership, raiding on a lighter schedule.
Hit me up if interested. Twofive#1782