[H] 412 Havoc and 414 Arms LF Mythic guild on Mal'Ganis

My buddy and I are both Mythic experienced. Looking for a guild that raids 2-3 nights. Feel free to add me @ Stiggy#1210. Thank you!

Ayo, sup G? We raid Tues and Wed 8:30 PM EST until 12am EST. If those times work for you here’s a link to our post. Take a look and feel free to add any of us:

Hey there! Bold may be a good fit for you! We are 4/8M on Stormrage (Alliance) and Kurog at 8%. We raid Tues/ Wed from 8:30-11:30 est and Thursday 9-11 est. There is also an optional heroic raid on Fridays. Hit me up on bnet for more info. Reluctor#1255

Hey Stiggy. I added you on BNet. If you get the chance, add me on Discord too – SolSol#0028