[H] 225 Holy Priest LF CE Guild

I’m currently located on Bleeding Hollow (H) but I am willing to server transfer (not willing to faction transfer).

Currently looking for a 2 day or 3 day a week guild (Pref 8-12 hrs/wk) since my current guild fell apart (tl;dr - between real life commitments and quite a bit of growing disinterest in the game, we weren’t able to sustain a roster able to really do heroic, much less any hopes of getting back into mythic).

My raiding history is quite extensive; starting in BC and going all the way up into current WoW. My progress has varied from time to time due to changing guilds to fit my real life schedule mostly (that isn’t to say that I’ve guild-hopped though since most of my raiding was done across less than 10 or so guilds over nearly a 14 year period).

My most notable achievements would have to be coming extremely close to top 25 US heroic 10 man Saurfang, and around US 75th heroic 25 Syndragosa. Following quite a bit of casual raiding in between then and WoD, where I joined Alpha of Whisperwind (where we got US ~50th (server first) for all 3 mythic tiers. I stayed with Alpha for the beginning of Legion but had to take a break from WoW for family reasons (I stayed with them through Cenarius and sat out on Xavius). Took a break and came back in Tomb of Sargeras (albeit with a different guild) where I raided and didn’t get a super high rank but did manage to kill Mythic KJ and get CE. After that I ended up raiding on and off in mostly casual guilds doing some heroic and mythic content.

In terms of what I’m looking for in a guild, I’m not looking for a bunch of harda** but people who realize that raid time isn’t just their own time but also the time of the 19+ other people who’ve gathered (and as such take it serious enough to still have fun but also get things done).

I took a bit of a break after my guild fell apart so unfortunately I don’t have any logs for the current raid tier but I do have logs for the previous tier that I can provide.

Mythic Logs: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/bleeding-hollow/mesuuryte#zone=26&metric=hps
Heroic Logs: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/bleeding-hollow/mesuuryte#zone=26&metric=hps&difficulty=4
Raider.IO: https://raider.io/characters/us/bleeding-hollow/Mesuuryte#season=season-sl-1-post

In terms of availability I’m pretty flexible with raid availability - The only time I’m not available is Monday 9-12 and Saturday 8-11 (PM EST). I’d prefer an evening guild, but would be willing to consider late night or day time guilds.

If anyone has any additional questions or the like feel free to hit me up either by battle tag (Ryu#13909) or post in this thread and I’ll try and reply as soon as I can. Also can answer most any question about my class/spec, go more in-depth about raiding if I need to, etc.

If you’re looking for a great guild, come take a look at Crisp. Lead by US100 guild leader and reformed horde for a CE push in 9.1.

Maybe this what your looking for. hit us up! Looking to push CE.

is raidin is a CE guild that was put together last tier at the end of January and we achieved CE the first week of May. We were able to kill Sludge pre-nerf and gained 100 US ranks on each of the final 3 bosses: Sludge, SLG, and Sire. We finished US 339, even though we started 6 weeks after mythic opened.

We were able to reclear multiple times, easily achieving CE for everyone on roster. We are a 2 night a week guild, Wednesday & Thursday, from 5-9pm PST.

As we are a 2 night raiding guild, we need to make the most of our time.

  • We place the most value on reliability - do not make everyone else who decided to show up on time wait for you.

  • Second to reliability, we expect a fair amount of throughput. We have public logs so please check them to see if you are competitive with our members.

  • Finally, we are a CE focused raiding guild and we expect our raiders to be able to handle themselves. This includes mechanical competency, and low death count on prog.

is raidin is led by a former top 15 US guild raid leader who has more than a dozen CEs under his belt. We enjoy the game, we enjoy being competitive, and we’re looking for another solid couple people to join us for Sanctum.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions - as we want to make sure as much as you do that we are a good fit for you before joining.

Days: Wed/Thurs
Hours: 5pm pst - 9pm pst.

Currently 3/10M

App now: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1htv59qmBO_-Dcll9tH8m5jOoOWhgVI7OwZit0uD_SgA/viewform?edit_requested=true

or add me on bnet, Cyberz#11856
or Discord - Cyberz#0339

Still looking for a guild, a few of the options (including some of those who didn’t reply here) either filled the spots or the times didn’t quite work. Looking forward to hearing from any potential guilds!

dont save her is looking for more players to add to our roster, raid times Tues to Thurs 8-11 pm EST, currently led by 1/10M and 8/10H SoD players. If interested add Fruity#11155 !!