[H] 225 Enhance/Ele Shaman LF Guild

Currently 7/10 M on Warlock (Demonsruz) and wanting to play my Shaman for 9.1 and on. (Has been my main since Classic and stupidly played Warlock at start of Shadowlands). I’m a CE player thats generally got it every tier just this patch our guild had alot of roster issues that have slowed us down.

Looking for a guild that raids Tuesday-Thursday (2-3 days) and must start after 7pm PST (later is fine)

I am wanting to play Enhance but if a fight comes up that ele is significantly better or easier (like a sludgefist) I will also play that. I can most definitely play Resto for fights that need extra healers or if a healer is out.

I enjoy keys and will be pushing for those +20 keys next season along with trying to push more in PvP with others.

Post down below with your wall of info, discord/btag and ill reach out.

Bump it to the top

Hey there, you could be a good fit for Retirement Sanctuary. We’re a 3 day guild currently working on Mythic SLG. Raid times are T/W/Th, 7:30 - 10:30 PST.

If you’re interested fill out the application and reach out on discord:

My Discord tag: otou#7657

Cause everybody is looking for Guilds gotta push this back up!

Bump, bump it up

We’re a 9/10M Alliance guild that raids Tues/Wed/Thurs 7-11EST. We’re working on p2 Denathrius and would love a solid moonkin for our roster for Realm First CE. If interested, reach out to one of us below:…

Battle Tag- Fearmaky#1989 Discord- Fearmaky#9857

Wat? Im not a moonkin :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi! I’m from Frisky Business. We have 2 mythic CE teams that are currently 8/10M. We raid Tues/Wed/Thurs from 7pm - 10pm PST (10:00pm - 1am EST)
If you are interested you can apply on our website: www.friskybusinessguild.com
(Discord: Sara#4646)