H 219 AOTC MM Hunter LF Mythic Guild

We raid wed/thurs 9-12 est on Thrall-Horde - we are close to 3/10M with some good prog on HungeringD - Solid CE minded group we are looking to progress and looking for people who are constantly looking to improve by gearing, working on rotation etc. Hit me up if you would be interested in doin a high key or heroic clear and checkin out the group.

Bnet- Papadapalas#11124 Disc- Papadapalas#7234


We would love to speak with you about joining our team. Below is our spam. Please feel free to add Patticakes (info below) to discuss further. Thank you and have a great day!

Raid Times/Days: Tues&Wed 9-Midnight EST (8-11pm CST)

Current Progression: 12/12CE in BFA. 3/10M 10/10H Multiple Sub 5% wipes on Sun King

Wowprogress (including rules and guild application): ttps://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/area-52/Vibe+Raider (please add an “h” at the front, cant post links on wow forums).

Requirements: Good logs, history of CE is a plus, knowing multiple specs of a class is a plus. Maintaining at least one geared alt is recommended but not required.

Recruiter Contact: Btag: Patticakes#1742 Discord: Patticakes#4610

Hey there:

TILTED-Area 52, is a newly formed guild at the end of BFA of mostly multiple CE raiders and leadership. We are still working on putting together a roster to push top 150 US ranks by the end of the expac.

What we are looking for:

-Drama free
-Prepared for raid (consumables, fight research, etc) and understands the importance of M+
-Team player in an inclusive raid environment
-Trolls, racist language, bigotry are not welcome here
-Strong performance (this doesn’t mean orange parses)- we want people who can show strong output, but also take on tasks in raid and not complain about how it impacts their DPS

Current Progress: 10/10N, 10/10H, 4/10M
Raid times: Tues/Wed/Thurs 9pm PST to 12 am PST (11p CST to 2am CST, 12am EST to 3am EST)
Invites go out 15 minutes prior to our start and you are expected to be online and ready to go then!
We raid on Monday’s for the first 3 weeks of a new tier

What we provide

  • A stable raid environment
  • We provide some consumables (enchants, flasks/cauldrons, gems, food and some pots)
  • Active guild that always has people looking for M+

Recruitment status as of 1/30/21:

Roster: Currently at 24 people (consistently 22). We are not looking to over recruit and have a massive bench- our spots are competitive.

Tanks: Looking for a Prot paladin or Vengeance DH (immediate spot)
Ranged DPS: Mage, Warlock, Shadow Priest, Hunter.
Melee DPS: DK’s!
Healers: Exceptional applicants that can flex.

[Application:] https : // apply. wowaudit. com/us/area-52/tilted/main
-remove the spaces in the address above.

Even if your class isn’t listed here but feel you meet or exceed the items listed above, please contact me in game after applying!


Would love to have you join us!

Raid Schedule: 2 Days – 6 Hours

Tuesday: 10pm-1am (EST)
Wednesday: 10pm-1am (EST)
Optional Monday: 10pm-1am (EST) Heroic Night

About Us:

We are a new guild for Shadowlands with a goal of achieving CE and top 500 US for the first tier of Shadowlands.
We are a group of longtime WoW players looking to raid at a high level on a limited (fixed) schedule. Our experience ranges from Retail to Classic with many top 200 world kills.
We run a lot of keys with most raiders being over 1k IO and RBG/PVP as well.

Member Requirements:

• Mythic raiding experience
• Preparation – watch videos, understand fight mechanics, have consumables, be online 15 minutes before raid.
• Deep understanding of your class and spec and ability to review your logs to find opportunities for improvement.
• Willingness to ask for help to improve and/or take input from others to help you improve.
• 90% raid attendance


An application is available on our discord, invite cod 6qTcChAfTp, but not required. We’re happy to interview you or get to know you through a m+, some RBGs or even a heroic nathria run to get a sense of who you are and vice versa.
If you are interested in talking to us about how you could fit, please reach out to either of our recruitment officers. Having logs available to share will not hurt your case.
Regardless of whether we do end up raiding together we wish you luck in your search for a new home!

Tryg || Matthew#1470 (btag) ||TRYG#0854 (discord)
Blitz || Blitz#12128 (btag) ||Blitz#6105 (discord)
Crash ||Peterman#1368 || Crash#7497 (discord)

Hey we raid Wed/Thurs/Sat 9-12 est - Bleeding Hollow
Would love to you more - add me on Bnet - Br33zE#1594
or Discord - Br33ze420#9584

Hey Tallpilot! Mediocre - Bleeding Hollow [H] – 10/10H – 2/10M - is currently looking for a good Hunter for our Mythic roster. We are a newly reformed guild with many members that have been playing together for 5+ years. We currently are looking to fill some remaining raid slots for our Mythic progression team.

Below you can find a few more details about us.

Mediocre is a new guild composed of Mythic raiders who have been playing together for over 5 years. We currently have 2/10M completed and are looking to fill remaining slots for our Mythic progression roster. We are a semi-hardcore raiding guild; which means we like to have fun but also take raiding seriously. Currently we raid 2 days a week (Wed/Thur).

Ideal Players:

  • Active and competitive

  • Have an understanding of Mythic raiding

  • Eager to learn and continuously work to improve their play

  • Understanding of logs and how to analyze their performance

  • Can show up on time for raids 2 days a week

Our current raid schedule is:

Wednesday (9-12 ST or EST)(8-11 CST)(6-9 PST)
Thursday (9-12 ST or EST)(8-11 CST)(6-9 PST)

Our roster IS COMPETITIVE and we will be taking the best 20 players into Mythic.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Please send an officer a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Scymas#1375 (Recruitment)

KixxiGaming#1211 (Recruitment / Guild Master)

Jinxed#1459 (Raid Lead / Guild Master)

Hey are 10/10h 1/10M - we raid wed/thurs/sat(optional) 9-12 est
Add me on bnet - Br33zE#1594
or discord Br33ze420#9584

Hey TallpIlot!

Newly formed guild on Horde, Kel’Thuzad. We are a chill group of guys who left our guild to push the highest content we can push. Led by a group of former mythic raiders, we are opening recruitment to progress into mythic CN. Currently 10/10H after only 3 raids as a unit. We are only missing those last few pieces for mythic progression. Currently in need of Ranged dps and healers. Especially in need of a Disc Priest, and HPal. Current raids are Tuesday and Wednesday at 9:30 est. People interested in applying can message me or one of our officers on discord or battle.net.

Discord - Reehc#1538, dankforge#5306, or CJ#4589
Bnet - Mills2#11341, ugalde#1160, or kyle#1347

Hello Tallpilot

Nocturnal on Zuljin
We have been together since BC and raiding since ULD.

Raid times;
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
10:30p-1:30a (PST)

Progression as of today 9/10H
(On 3rd phase of Sire)

Thank you,
Real ID add

We have a trial night set for Tuesday at raid time

The Guild:

We are an open minded guild who is building a team with experience from top 5 US to players who have no mythic experience. All spots are competittive and earned.
Our guild is motivated to become among the respected top progression guilds on our server.
Our players are asked to maintain a respectable and friendly attitude. Esoteric is a strongly motivated guild focused on progression and succeeding in such an established race to be among the best.

Despite just returning after 4 years to WoW, Esoteric does have plans in SL to push more competitive progression; we ask that players who share that same ambition inquire. Players of a similar mind set are what we are looking for. This means maintaining current knowledge of your class and the theorycraft behind each element of your class. This also means understanding how mechanics work both on the surface and behind the scenes.

We raid 3 nights a week.

Our Mythic raid times are 9:00pm (CST) - 12:00am (CST) Tuesday - Thursday.

Our Raiders:

Our members are passionate about the classes they play and the content we are raiding. We enjoy having as much fun as possible while taking raiding seriously, while we still understand fun and by no means limit that, with laughing and jokes between pulls we expect raiders to use comms respectfully.
Our group takes progression seriously; as well as understanding of mechanics; both our personal class/role mechanics, and encounter mechanics.
Raiders in our group are the type who spend majority of our spare time researching and testing for ourselves in order to improve.

Raider Expectations:

Everyone in our core team is required to research encounter prior to first pulls… We do not expect to spend a lot of downtime explaining mechanics when we could be killing bosses and collecting purples.

Raiders are asked to constantly look for ways to improve themselves, mechanically in regards to class and encounters. Raiders need to be able to adapt to unexpected situations within encounters quickly without much thought, without being told what/how to do it. Raid awareness is important, without it you will not succeed. Our Raiders are encouraged to play as if they are world rank 1 players, and strive to be the best, settling for being subpar is unacceptable.

Jestyrs#1971 or Krazy#1656