H 217 Ele Shaman looking for guild

Hello I am looking for a weekend raiding guild Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Does not have to be on hyjal. My raid group fell apart right before we got AOTC. Also looking for guild for M+. Would prefer to stay horde but will condsider swapping to ally.

I run a guild that raids on Fridays/Sundays on Illidan. We can get you in tonight if you’d like to trial with us. Hit me up on Discord if you are interested YaBoiBangz#9359

2/10 mythic on horde KJ. Friday and Saturday at 6pm pacific. Gorlock#7739 on discord. I’d love to talk to you :slightly_smiling_face:

Hiya! My guild is currently looking for one more dps to round out our roster, and we’d love an ele sham. Not sure if weekend afternoons are open to you, but we’re a Sat/Sun AOTC focused guild, also looking to do some light mythic prog each tier (3-4/10M is what we’d like to do this tier, but we’re happy with anything past AOTC.)

We’re currently 10/10H and have been running heroic reclears and organized m+ during raid slot until we can get a full mythic team. Raid times are 2-5 PM EST Sat/Sun, we’re horde on Bleeding Hollow.

Guild fits the semi-casual/semi-hardcore bill pretty well. There’s a lot of goofing around but everyone also knows when to be serious and focus on progression. Great group of people as well, can’t say enough good things about them.

If the times and raid atmosphere are appealing to you feel free to reach out on discord or battlenet (will respond to messages if offline.)

Discord - GrefGreag#1358

Bnet - GrefGreag#1613

Hey Drefen! Our guild is 10/10 H and 2/10 M (just started prog last week and got through Hunts in 2 hours). We are a semi-casual raid guild more focused on AOTC/M+ and clearing as much content as we can than CE. We raid Sat/Sun 6-8 pacific. We’re on Kil’Jaeden. We have a weekly m+ or pvp night with people running keys all throughout week as well. Feel free to hit me up on BNet if you have any interest. bark#11701

[A] Team Valiant in Eternal Kingdom US-Proudmoore

Valiant is 4/10M 10/10H Castle Nathria . We are a laid back team that enjoys having fun in raid, while still making sure we focus on progression. We are striving for CE in Shadowlands. We joke around etc. during trash mobs, but then focus on boss pulls. Our team likes to do M+ Keys together and we are active on Discord.

Schedule Fridays and Saturdays 6-9p PST (9-12a EST)

Current Progression 4/10M 10/10 H CN

Needs Looking for a few DPS and a Tank fill out our roster

Team Information: www eternal-kingdom com/valiant)

Contacts Fly#0145

About Eternal Kingdom:

Eternal Kingdom is a very large World of Warcraft multi-guild gaming community based on the Proudmoore realm for Alliance and Area 52 for Horde. We formed in 2013 with a very clear goal: Make the world a better place! Gaming is what we love to do but it isn’t just pixels and polygons for us. We understand that while playing a video game we can also create positive change for ourselves and for others.

We have multiple raiding teams from novice teams to those pushing top US 200 and everything in between. If you arn’t interested in raiding and are looking for a casual we have that too. From farming runs to PvP. Eternal Kingdom might be the last guild you will ever join. More information on our guild philosophy can be found on our guild website.

Hey! Ima. Recruiter from flaming dragon and we actually do happen to be on hyjal! We raid on Saturday’s between 5-9 PST(ST) and we have a very active M+ community! You can go ahead and reach out to me on discord: Fresh#5071 if you are interested or have any questions! I hope to you talk to you soon!

Hey Drefen,

Check us out!
