[H] 208 Boomkin LF top 250 US guild

Hi! I’ve been playing balance druid since WoD, Started raiding Mythic in legion and got the 3 first tiers CE. I quit legion until BFA, tried Uldir, the game was bad so I came back to BFA in Nyalotha where I got 11/12M. I’m looking for a competitive guild for the rest of Shadowlands that is focused on pushing bosses and that does it efficiently. I love pushing M+ outside of raids and just chilling in discord.

I have killed Denathrius but I’m 9/10H (Missing stone legion)
You can contact me on discord: thepork#2871 or on Bnet: thepork#1946

To the top

Still looking

Hey there, if you’re still looking, we could use a solid boomkin on our team.
I’ll leave our bit of info below for your consideration.
Look forward to chatting, otherwise best of luck on your search!
