5/9m 2-day lf Tank, RDPS

Loupy is wonderful

I need of a Warlock and possibly a healer for Wednesday and beyyyyond!

8/8M would be a nice Boxing Day Gift :smiley:

Still looking

To the top

Hey there! Any interest in:

Together. To. The. Top.

Just like my Weekly Chest, I got nothin.

I fcuk with Eggnog

Added pachyderm on btag from Libertine. Drop me a message when you can please. And merry Christmas!! :slight_smile:

Pachy gonna be bumpin tomorrow

so sleepy.

Yeaaaah buddy!

Still looking

Still looking

Right tool for the right job!

Easy re-clear :wink:

Pachyderm is literally afk right now.

Back at it again!

I would REALLY rather not have Hypee come in for G’huun… nobody wants that. Maybe Shrimpjr. Maybe.