[H] 190 Fire Mage LF Guild - heroic prog

Looking to do heroic progression.
pugged all of normal.
can go from being chill to sweaty if needed.
guess that’s why I’m looking for a guild.

bnet: tm06#11240
discord: theheaterboy#8008

Added you on discord!

Hey man, my guild is doing heroic progression right now. We are currently 4/10 and looking to push AOTC before the end of the tier. We would love to have you join us on Tuesday. We raid 6:15PM - 8:45PM PST. Add me: lostronin#11226

We need you! I mean… we may only want you for your food and buffs, but give it time and we’ll grow to like you too! LOL (j/k)

But seriously, we need a mage. My RLs keep whining about not having a mage. And if you join us, we will love you forever. And not just for your biscuits and wisdom.

[Masochistic Tendencies] (H) Turalyon-US. We are currently 7/10H pushing for AOTC in a fun, social, laid back environment. Raid times are M/W 8:30-11:30pm EST.

Btag: Alykii#1736
Discord: Alykii#6370


Hi Theheaterboy! I think we’d be a great fit. Take a look and let us know. Happy to chat more!




Hey man were just finally pushing into Heroic, we have normal on farm. added you on discord!!