[H] 12/12M 6 Hour Weekend Mythic Raiding *Pandamonium-Mal'Ganis*

California white pizza is the goat. Change my mind

forever alone

wtb a healer

le sigh, very lonely

Won’t someone save Darsa from loneliness?

truth, new operation: save dara

If someone doesn’t come heal for us soon, I’m going to have to play disc priest.

And no one wants that.

LF a disc priest so I don’t inflict my disc priest on anyone else.

10/12 still looking for a stud healer for CE push

Darsa I believe in you. You can get the Truth in your cache today. I just know it.

Bring me a healer who slaps.

Big Wrong!

Heals no feels. Let’s go!

Hello! I am interested in your heroic team! I am returning fire mage main, 4/8M last tier. I added you on bnet, hope to hear soon

Interested in chatting to see if good mutual fit. Btag Vexx#1891, I added Atrinna.

6/12M & 2600+ IO rsham / rdruid; comfortable DPS’ing. Prior exp as raid leader/GM of CE guild when last raided progression.

She will get with both of you at some point today

Sweet Caroline,
Good times never seemed so good.


Won’t you come see about me?
I’ll be alone, dancing you know it baby

Kub stop talking to yourself

You can’t triple stamp and then double stamp