[H] 12/12M 6 Hour Weekend Mythic Raiding *Pandamonium-Mal'Ganis*

Looking for help

Wtb people that bring breakfast burrito’s to raid

Grabs popcorn for the drinking raid Friday

Drunk guild raid on the 27th!!

Drink will be out after the first boss :slight_smile:

Truth. But it will still be fun.

Still looking for people :slight_smile:

Logging on soon™

will totally be out after the first boss LOL

Still looking for more

Your memes too stronk

Enhance shaman too stronk

big yikes drink

my nickname is “Big Yikes”

Lol since when drink?

Happy Holidays

Lol idk sounded good atri

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow

Want to buy it getting colder :smiley:

Still looking for people