[H] 12/12M 6 Hour Weekend Mythic Raiding *Pandamonium-Mal'Ganis*

Happy cache’s everyone!

I think I have a case of the Mondays on a Wednesday, HELP!

Recruiting for peeps! where’s everyone at!!

When you can’t get coffee before work, it’s bad.

Would love a new healer and some deeps!

Where the peeps at!

Happy Saturday! Raid night for us. Za’qul, we coming for ya.

Raid night! come be apart of panda and kill za’qul and azshara!!

It’s monday already :frowning: I miss my weekend.

Reset tomorrow anyone else excited!?

Reset Tuesday!!

Correction Drink it’s cache disappointment Tuesday

Well now it’s hump day! Woot woot!

Hey y’all, so i am intersted in joining… i am a resto shaman main. But since i would have to invest in a character transfer if you wouldn’t mind maybe picking me up for a heroic run first to make sure my numbers are where you want them so i don’t pay for the realm transfer and not even be able to raid Mythic content.

I can come with a disc priest also…but it isnt geared yet.

Hey there Pep, did you add one of us on bnet? We can talk this evening.

Just sent ya a request! I am kind of busy tonight like i am not sure when i will be free. Movie night tonight from 7pm until im not sure when but ill message you later when im online.

Come meme with me :smiley:

Still looking

Ok, let us know when you can.

Where all the peeps!