[H] 11/12M EST 2 day - LF more nerds for CE


Extending Illgy next reset

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extending Ilgy 10/12 coming today?

I mean 2 pulls for Ilgynoth seems decent, who wants some carapace action

mouseover macros are hard

It’s Friday but it feels like Monday which also feels like Wednesday. Quarantine sucks

Big ol’ bump

Let me switch to my DH lol

Report Breck so he can name change

This is a bump

Deport Breck plz

Even got Corona on purpose so the Korean government would deport me! Didnt work! Report my name!

I think I reported you the (best?) wrong Korea that was the problem my B

I am once again asking you to bump my recruitment post

BUMP it up Bump it up Give me another LOCK PORTAL

Sometimes, it do be like that

if you can out dps my off spec we can talk about a spot

On the sabbath day plz bless us with some pumpers

We all masterful now boys

I need a healer hmu