Still recruiting! LF DK and more!
Recruiting all roles for m+! Rogue, DK, or mage would be perfect.
Recruiting strong DPS! Healer OS a plus.
Consistent progression in raid tier; as well as M+ groups weekly. Easy pick 10 outta 10
Good folks, good people, good raiders, good times, come play with us, we got your back.
Looking For more
LF skilled DK!
Recruiting rogue, mage, and more!
Looking for Rogue
Looking for DK
LF skilled, friendly people for heroic raiding and m+!
Any fun mages or DKs looking for a guild? Come check us out
We could use rogue too! Bonus points if you enjoy m+ in the evenings.
Recruiting strong DPS for raiding and m+! DK would be perfect but all welcomed.
Still recruiting! LF DK, DH and more! All considered!
We are still recruiting for DK DPS!
LF strong DPS
Recruiting skilled rogue for raiding and m+
We’re very interested in adding a talented warlock to our crew! PST for any questions or check out our website for FAQs
Still recruiting!