Bumpity Bump Bump - come join our sexy guild <3
Still would love to hear from a demon hunter! Come check us out.
LF a warlock for evening raids!
Looking for more!
Looking for more
Recruiting DPS or heals for evening raids! All welcomed for m+ too.
Still recruiting for core raid spots - LF DK, DH, heals and more!
All considered!
LF warlock, mage, DK, DH, and more!
Also recruiting healers!
LF warlock, mage, DK, DH, and more!
Still recruiting!
Open recruitment for m+ in the evenings! All roles welcomed.
LFM for norm/heroic raiding!
Any DPS DKs enjoy raiding and/or m+? Would love to hear from you! Come check us out.
Hey there, I am a former mythic raider who’s raid team fell apart in Uldir looking to come back and raid for BoD. Looking for something a little more casual now so a 2 night heroic guild sounds perfect to me. Your times work for me, I have a havoc DH and a Brewmaster monk that are equally geared. Have not stepped foot in the new raid yet but look forward to doing so. My battle tag is Java#1334 if your interested please add me and we can talk more!
Hi Javsie! We could use a havoc DH for sure or if you’re willing to DPS on the monk then we would consider a WW as well; either way a DPS would fit the group better. If that works for you, then check us out on our website (can’t link on forums anymore but it’s on the first page of this thread) and feel free to apply. I’ll add you when I get home tonight.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Still recruiting for core spots!
LF DK, boomkin, mage, and DH!
Most interested in DPS for evening raids! Open to friendly player of all roles for m+ though.
Any DKs, boomkins, DH, or ret paladins looking for a guild? Come check us out
Still recruiting! High priority for lock/mage/DK/DH/ healers. but all considered!