[H] 10yr guild 2/10 M, 10/10H, LF DPS / hybrids!

Currently have an opening for strong druid DPS. Heals or tank off-spec is a plus!

What is your cloak, neck and ilvl req for raid?

Hi Fay! Your gear is at a good starting point though the neck I would recommend 70+. The current cloak cap is rank 7. I hope that helps!

Would love to hear from a mage, DK, or rogue

Could use a warlock still - come check us out if Wednesday/Monday raiding interests you

Recruiting strong DPS for Wednesday/Monday raiding

Currently have no rogues, DKs, or WW monks with MW off-spec!

Recruiting warrior, paladin, and more

Looking to add a mage

Still recruiting core raid spots!

LF skilled rogue

Good morning! We could use some casters - balance druid, mage, or warlock would be great.

Recruiting an awesome DK that enjoys raiding 2 nights a week

LF balance druid, DK, mage, and more

Unable to commit to a raid schedule? No problem - we also welcome players interested in m+ only. Accepting all roles for dungeons in the evenings!

LF mage pst

Recruiting DK DPS

Looking for a talented warrior to round out our team! DPS preferred, tank OS is a plus.

Interested in a skilled mage! Core spot available

Social/casual members welcomed! :smiley: