[H] 10yr guild 2/10 M, 10/10H, LF DPS / hybrids!

Looking for warlock dps

Good morning! Still looking for a skilled, friendly warlock that can join us for Wednesday/Monday raids

Still looking for more DPS

Could use a mage as well!

Recruiting DK, warlock, and more

Recruiting strong DPS for wednesday/monday raiding pst

LF DPS especially warlock, shadow priest, or DK! All considered.

Recruitment open to all classes for m+ in the evenings! Social members welcomed too. :slight_smile:

This guild is a good guild. Truly, if you’re looking for a group that wants to have fun and kill some bosses in a chill atmosphere, this is your group.


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Thanks for the love, Everrey! <3

We’re still looking for another DH and a lock - more info updated on our website

Looking for more. Could use a Warlock

Looking for more. We could use a rogue

Recruiting all roles for m+ in the evenings! DPS preferred for raiding.

LF a skilled warlock

Currently we have no DK! Looking for a solid DPS. Tank OS is a plus but not required. :slight_smile:

Looking for more DPS

We could use a warlock still! Come check us out if you are interested in raiding 2 nights a week

Still recruiting DPS and hybrids!

LF friendly, skilled players for raiding, dungeons, and more

In need of a skilled warlock!