[H] 10/11M Sat/Sun *Pandamonium-Mal'ganis* LFM

listen if you lower the bad guys’ health to 0 and keep your health above 0, you get loot

Ain’t that the truth!

Did it again except this time we raised a guy’s health to 100 and got loot so idk if it’s always true

ur a monkey :smiley:

But is he wrong?

monke > lizard

Join Today! :smiley:

Still looking gang.

Hey everybody we’re still looking!

Looking for cute singles in your area today! Or couples. Really we’re just keeping our options open.

It’s complicated

Is that the relationship status or your day?

It’s raiding on Super Bowl Sundays

Those feels though lol. Football or WoW?

I mean…football’s kinda boring anymore for me. I don’t think most folks feel that way, but I just like, can’t care about it like I used to.

My .io score on the other hand…

Ok football over, nice way to use 3 hours this week. Gonna rock it.

I’m here to do damage and mechanics and i’m all out of damage

Entry 58: I still don’t know what a disc priest looks like, days turn into weeks with no end in sight. With food and water dwindling, I may not have the strength to continue. As I struggle to stay warm, I press on in hopes of better days.

Dara the Holy Paladin

Entry 59: As supplies continue to dwindle, I was able to find enough food to start a small fire. I begin to lose hope on finding the disc legend.

Dara the Holy Paladin

Day 45 - they still think I’m a disc priest. The pink one suspects something.

Entry 60: As my fire begins to burnout, I move on and see an old town in the distance. When I arrive in the town I am greeted by a friendly mage. I ask him if he has heard of the legendary disc priest, he replies with no my pink friend but I have another tale to tell. I agree to stay and listen to his tale he politely offers me some food and water. I begin to listen, as the tale for the legendary disc priest will have to wait

Dara the Holy Paladin