GY Camped by twinks

Go stealth and sit. Yeah, gud

More like ninja cap and CC healers


when not sitting in stealth. easy to critique from the peanut gallery

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Don’t be so sour that I can be in stealth 50% of the game and still be more effective than you. l2p


sin rogue telling someone l2p
that’s rich
I seem to be pressing some buttons :slight_smile:

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Please go over rogue rotations and openers in detail

A poorly played Warrior will do better than a poorly played Rogue. :hugs:
Different skill cap IMO.

An off-topic comment here:

If you use the Preformat function when replying you don’t have to breakup URLs.

It makes them easier to follow. Just highlight the URL then click the Preformat above (see illustration below).

Omg ty I was wondering how ppl did this.

I try that and it still tells me i cant post links idk im level 2 i thought hm.

Use the ‘ symbol before and after link. Worked since I was level 1

I do do that idk it hates me lel

Are you using the right one? Right to the left of the 1 on the keyboard. For a while I thought it was a different symbol

Yeah i do


Hmm testing.

Idk im on phone so

That worked :+1:

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Oh i see ok cool

So i would just say a couple of things to this.

  1. There is more than 1 exit from the GY and sometimes you have to use them to get a flanking position.
  2. The healing monk is clearly within range of ANY ranged toon from the gy at almost all times in the video.
  3. I don’t know the team makeup for the match and quite frankly it doesn’t matter, the fact that anyone who leaves the gy (just watch the dancing dwarf) is concentrating on the druid in front who is of course not only not losing any health but never killed suggests the team is really not concerned with the healer which is why i said what i did. The team in this case MUST gang pile the healer or you will be stuck with getting farmed.

It is just the way randoms are. And to be quite honest, there is a HUGE correlation to teams that don’t kill enemy healers and the losing team. Generally speaking (it does not matter the faction because it happens on both) if you ignore the healers in randoms, DPS stays alive, DPS then focuses targets (good dps will focus enemy healers then pickoff the rest) and that leads to much higher kb’s and damage done. It all starts and ends with enemy healers, even in cases of neither team having a healer, but they both have hybrids that can heal and do heal.

This is why it only takes about 60-90 seconds of a game to experienced players to workout whether it is going to be a loss or there is a chance to win. What does the team do, where do they go and who do they fight and HOW do they fight (ie. do they use all the tools at their disposal ie. hunter using traps to slow team/healer or cc for his own healer etc. etc. etc.) when they are in combat. Once you have the answers to that, the rest is very easy to work out.

At the end of the day, i wasn’t there, it is quite possible you were just flat outgeared by their team. But even then, you just sit as a corpse and don’t feed them, they will end the game to move onto others who will willingly get farmed.

The only part of your post I don’t agree with.

I understand the logic, so I guess you’re technically right, but I simply can’t (ok won’t) AFK ever. :man_shrugging:

Most twinks don’t want a different competitive bracket, the whole point of out gearing everyone on the other side is to faceroll/grief. If Blizzard was to normalize stats (disable gems and enchants) and item level twinks would rage quit random BGs.


I had a solid team all throughout Legion, although lots of players left due to the Template system.
Twinks are much like mini M+ characters, players love to customize and min max statistics. BFA has sparked a huge return from these types of players in search of those custom builds.