Gurubashi Horde Reconnections

Heazy / Karna (Undead Rogue)
Can’t remember guild.
Todes, Brawly, Nition, Akrios. (Anyone else from Notorious)

Jinzel sounds super fimiluar. hmmm

Main: Tordah, Tauren Shaman
Alt: Oxumare, Tauren Warrior

My first raiding guild was called Genesis and I remember the GM Cyrusbash and the raid leader Municheck
I think the other guild I was in was called Tribes of Darkness, GM Tempestmaulz

When I wasn’t raiding, I pugged a lot of UBRS because I loved it so much and I met a lot of people through that. I made a lot of friends on this server but can’t remember all of them. There were two shamans who showed me the ropes and took the time to teach me the class, but I cannot remember their names to save the life of me. The one shaman I really looked up to and was friends with was Rekra from Notorious. There was a huge group of friends that I formed a guild with late in vanilla. We got up to chromag in BWL in under two months. I think one of them was a troll warrior named Zolden. If any of you remember my toons feel free to add me on Bnet Razgorok#1895

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Cyrus undead warrior? haha i raided with them in BC

Hahah Cyrusbash, yup, remember him as the guild lead. He used to live near me, not sure what ever happened to him. Munitard!

I have a screenshot somewhere of Cyrus popping retaliation when he was DPSing on Mag, great moments.

Gankzter undead rogue


Sup nerds. It’s OhNoez Tauran Shaman.

Def miss those good ole days.

Follow me on IG @kayso_one



Looking for Megalomania leader of Void.

Former GM of Malus Umbra here, Laddie - troll warrior, then swapped to Trollish - troll shaman

Looking for people that were with us when we went to Villains United and raided off and on with kaiZen.

Any old members of AZH - Azeroth Heroes from 2005 - 2006?

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Imanawa here - Looking for any old guildies/friends from Vanilla/BC

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Hi Michele! Yes, I remember you too. I rerolled on Skullcrusher too when TBC came out and raided with them for a little while as a Holy Paladin named Solur.

Good ole Tremlin lol this is Darkmaster… how the hell are you

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And Darkmaster

Remember you well, angry Mexican right?

  • Veo (best rogue on guru)
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Tankalicious (undead warrior) with Unity- OffTank 40m raiding in NAXX. And some alts Lootme (Tauren Druid), and after classic Judgalicous (BE Pali).

Tremlin, Silvos and Howlett- I remember you. There were so many others.

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I used to play Tauren Hunter “ApacheCow”

Used to play as an UD Warrior name Ilovesouls. was in the Buddah Tribe guild. we fooked off and did a lot of world pvp. played with Rlgrlwcancer and zane? a lot. server idol was an UD warrior named Cave (he helped me out a lot XD)

Hello friend. Where is cyrus?

Oh geez.