Gurubashi Horde Reconnections

Dunno if you remember me, I was mostly vanilla but I popped in here and there in TBC. soooo /wave

Use to play all the time on Gurubashi! My main was a paladin Instantkarma but i use to play as Cocytus and Surgical (19 twink) as well!

Belf Mage named Fizban, old guild “Good Mourning” lots of laughs, unfortunate the way it ended. But it was fun.

Hey Lek! Loong time no see. So many familiar names in this thread!

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Judistpriest here. Vanilla/TBC Undead Priest. Was in Cataclysm.

Dergo, troll rogue, Notorious.

Looking for everyone…

Sup Kenji


Hi Abev and Lek!

All you old HC people add me Kenjiwing#1246



Howlett, Tauren Shaman from Classic to Cata.

Amy old friends out there?

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  • Fangore, Orc Warrior
  • Guilds: Nemesis, Public Enemy, The Obsidian, Execution, Is AFK, Altered Minds, Heroic Pact, Angry Spec.
  • Left the server way back when it died from all the BRs leaving. Looking to say hi to anyone who remembers me.

Hey fats! This is otterbob dxm/reviled. Got the feels seeing an old guildie on here.


I remember Tremlin from the Guild Irony.

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Played Baboso, Orc Hunter in Irony on Gurubashi back in the day.

Some old Irony peeps included:

  • Ackack
  • Atumnmist
  • AvaCam
  • Baboso
  • Bloodyevil
  • Bloodywrath
  • Coldphoenix
  • Commy
  • Dafupunkya
  • Darkmaster
  • Darkmaster
  • Dotofdoom
  • Eggys
  • Evolym
  • Fadwa
  • Floraflaw
  • Genoxide
  • Guildelin
  • Kallous
  • Lusty
  • Mishak
  • Nasghoul
  • Nervette
  • Smashtacular
  • Tremlin
  • Trollypolly
  • Unioncarp
  • Wastedlove
  • Zalikah

Nolan - Orc - NOTORIOUS

If I remember you weren’t a very good mage though eh?


I forgot to include Coldphoenix, Genoxide, Darkmaster, Tremlin, Commy, and others…

A wild Ackack fell asleep at the computer back in the day:

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Catelynstark - undead Warlock. No one got the name reference and I was usually mistaken for a girl named Catelyn - pretty sure that won’t happen this time around. Was in guild NFC which got changed to something else. Pretty sure GM/RL was Xypher or Xyphar.

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I spent the majority of my time playing a Tauren Shaman named Krellen (BC: Krellin) as Enhancement. I was the guild master of Infernal Progeny.

My brother played an Orc Warlock named Sulfurous, an Undead Priest named Prelate, and an Orc Warrior named Zavien (WotLK: Crazydance, Tauren).

My sister played a Tauren Restoration Druid named Imanawa (BC: Bryony/Brownie) and a Troll Hunter named Myroxylon.

Other guild members:
Beestie, Troll Priest (BC: Slowroll, Blood Elf, Alt: Foofus, Troll Hunter)
Breman, Troll Hunter
Cascader, Undead Rogue
Cem, Undead Rogue
Enoesiw, Undead Mage
Ikutai, Troll Rogue
Incredulous, Troll Mage (Alt: Huntstuff, Orc Hunter, BC: Dudeiheal, Blood Elf Paladin)
Mathesi, Undead Warlock
Megoash, Orc Warrior (Alts: Babyrhino, Megobolt, Megoholder, Mego…)
Mitsuo, Orc Hunter
Peruviann, Undead Warlock
Tatanca, Tauren Shaman
Zulgah, Troll Priest

Other friends:
Dimbo, Troll Mage (Alts: Ximbo, Zimbo, Jimbo)
Kraay, Troll Shaman
Seshomaru, Undead Warrior
Thesultan, Troll Hunter (Alt: Thehealer, Troll Priest)

Played with/met during BC/WotLK (Guilds: Never, Catalyst):
Alucardz, Blood Elf Warlock
Animarthas, Tauren Death Knight
Appaloosa, Tauren Druid
Aries, Blood Elf Paladin
Browneye, Blood Elf Mage
Daeliron, Blood Elf Paladin
Davnar, Blood Elf Mage
Deathin, Orc Hunter
Demonicelf, Blood Elf Warlock
Distress, Undead Priest
Dodomancer, Undead Warlock
Fulgurite, Undead Priest
Fusketa, Tauren Druid
Gancsta, Orc Warrior (Alts: Bootyman, Tauren Druid, Evilpimp, Orc Shaman, Lilhalfdead, Blood Elf Death Knight, Massmedia. Undead Priest)
Georgesmith, Orc Warrior (Alt: Resolute, Blood Elf Paladin)
Gershomon, Tauren Druid
Ghonk, Orc Shaman
Ginkei, Orc Shaman
Grado, Orc Warrior
Healdance, Blood Elf Paladin
Helden, Blood Elf Paladin
Itzgodzilla, Orc Warrior
Jinzel, Troll Priest
Kaidan, Troll Hunter
Kempfsux, Undead Mage
Kienas, Undead Warlock
Laserguns, Undead Mage
Legomyego, Undead Mage
Lewd, Troll Hunter
Libi, Blood Elf Paladin
Lunacie, Blood Elf Priest
Morasmonaj, Undead Priest
Mototsume, Blood Elf Mage
Nuka, Tauren Druid
Phocus, Tauren Death Knight
Polarized, Undead Mage
Prometeus, Tauren Shaman
Psychosigler, Undead Priest
Pukahontas, Blood Elf Mage
Rivermo, Tauren Druid
Scratchmybac, Tauren Druid
Shadowblitzx, Blood Elf Paladin
Shamiqua, Orc Shaman
Sinrah, Orc Death Knight
Slx, Troll Hunter
Synge, Undead Priest
Tnx, Undead Warrior
Tobyz, Blood Elf Rogue
Tokeen, Tauren Druid (Alt: Deceptor, Undead Mage)
Zizzu, Troll Shaman

Sorry to anyone I may have excluded.


hi szhocha:

           Michele, undead priest here.  I remember you. Icyee, Ec all transfered to skullcrusher server. I played with them during burning crusade and lichking.

Vyktamus here, always played DPS WAR. Tanked a little in BC. was in Notorious and before then Solidarity I think it was called. Been on since Vanilla

Holy Sh1t! /wave. I have a screenshot of us in onyxia with you in it when we were in Fire Monkeys! I cannot send post up links… Bummer though.

Anyone reading this from Fire Monkeys or High Caliber, contact me and maybe I can just add you on bnet to send you links.